Wijmo UI for the Web
Start editing on Enter Key press

The wijgrid widget allows you to customize cell editing. You can allow editing of a cell on clicking Enter key.

For example, the script below sets the selectionMode to singleCell and editingMode to cell, and allows user to edit cell records on clicking Enter key. 

Copy Code
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
            data: [
                { User_ID: '001', Name: 'John', Country: 'US' },
                { User_ID: '002', Name: 'Tom', Country: 'Japan' },
                { User_ID: '003', Name: 'Henry', Country: 'China' }
            selectionMode: 'singleCell',
            editingMode: 'cell'

        // Start Editing after clicking enter key
        $('#wijgrid').closest('.wijmo-wijgrid').keydown(function (e) {
            if (e.which == '13') {